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Decorative Candle Molds

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How to make decorative candles
Decorating our home is something very personal, so many times we do not find what we are looking for in large surfaces. Size, shape or color don't always match what we want. Doing it at home will allow you to give it your own touch, choosing colors, aromas ... Candles are a clear example. In Gran Velada we put at your disposal all the materials so that you can make them mism@ to your liking and in our blogs we explain how to make decorative candles.
In this section you will find a miscellany of molds for designer candles . We have molds for Christmas, modern, classic, baroque, floral decoration ... As you can see, we try to adapt to all tastes. In total, we have more than 70 molds for decorative candles that will allow you to give a flirtatious and elegant touch to any room in your home.
They are silicone candle molds , very resistant and durable, which will help you give it the desired shape. You can make round, elongated, star-shaped candles, simulating a bouquet of roses, a crown and even a ball of wool. We also have molds to make candles in the form of a pointed drop, egg or fluted. In addition, there are more modern forms similar to pop art designs.
In our blogs you can see that making candles is very simple. You just have to pour the hot paraffin into the mold. Once it hardens and before it cools, the wick hole is made. The wick is inserted and we already have our DIY handmade candle. To paraffin you can add the essence you want to aromatize your home. In our online store we have more than 300 essences. Once the candle is finished you can color it with different techniques thanks to our special paints and dyes for candles.