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Make creams
Whatever skin type you have and whether you are an expert or first-timer in the world of artisanal cosmetics, here you will find all the ingredients to make homemade creams. We have a complete catalog so you can make different preparations according to the needs of your skin. With our products you can make creams for sensitive, dry skin, anti-acne creams, anti-stains, anti-wrinkle creams ...

Essential Oils to Make Creams

Oils and butters to make homemade creams

Salt and exfoliating clays

Liquid concentrated GV dyes

Base creams

Emulsifiers for homemade creams

Aromatic essences to give aroma to your creams

Plant Extracts for Homemade Creams
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Ingredients to make homemade creams
Whatever skin type you have and whether you are an expert or first-timer in the world of artisanal cosmetics, here you will find all the ingredients to make homemade creams. We have a complete catalog so you can make different preparations according to the needs of your skin. With our products you can make creams for sensitive, dry skin, anti-acne creams, anti-stains, anti-wrinkle creams ...
Facial creams are the result of emulsifying a fatty phase (oils and shortenings) with an aqueous one. Depending on the type of skin, the proportion of each will be higher or lower. Creams with more oil than water are denser and more nutritious, while those with more water than oil are much lighter. The former are ideal for dry skin, while the latter are recommended for oily skin.
From the union of these ingredients the base is obtained, to which we can add active ingredients, plant extracts or essential oils to give our creams beneficial properties for our skin. Collagen is one of the most used active ingredients, although there are other well-known ones such as hyaluronic acid, snail slime, silk powder, aloe vera or organic sulfur. You can all buy them in our online store.
In this section we have grouped the products depending on their purpose. There are semi-elaborated bases so that you can add the properties according to the needs of your skin; You will find oils and butters, preservatives and emulsifiers to make your creams from scratch. We also have special dyes and essences or hydrolates, milks and waters. In addition, you will find utensils that will be very useful when preparing these recipes and containers so that you can keep them in perfect condition.
To guide you through the process, in our blogs you will find several free recipes to make homemade creams and natural cosmetics. In addition, we have several kits in which all the necessary ingredients to make these preparations and a step-by-step guide already come.
Homemade cosmetics
That craftsmanship is fashionable is a statement that has been verified for some time. We are increasingly opting for the natural and beauty products are no strangers to this trend. Homemade cosmetics are gaining followers, and there are many advantages. By making your own cosmetics at home you make sure that the ingredients they contain are natural and you can make them personalized to treat specific problems of your skin. With our products you will get unique artisan creams, far removed from the industrial cosmetics on the market. In addition, they are much cheaper.
In Gran Velada we are passionate about natural, homemade and artisanal cosmetics. Therefore, we put at your disposal a wide variety of products, of high quality, so you can make your own elaborations. In this section of our online store you will find a wide catalog of ingredients to make creams, masks, ointments, gels, shampoos, tonics, serums, balms and a long etcetera.
If you are starting in the world of "Do it yourself mism@", we have bases to make homemade cosmetics, from which you can make your beauty products. With these bases we seek to facilitate your work, but you can also start manufacturing your creams or masks from scratch. In our blogs you will find ideas and tips that will guide you whichever option you choose. To give an extra shine to your preparations, we have made a selection of glitter and micas special for cosmetics.
You will see that we also have products to make Moroccan cosmetics, highly appreciated for their multiple benefits for the skin. In addition, we put at your disposal everything you will need to make massage oils, bath cupcakes, aromatic salts, lip balms, masks, scrubs or body wraps.
For any type of query we have a technical team that will offer you personalized attention and guide you through the process. We can only welcome you and encourage you to test the benefits of Diy cosmetics.