Kit how to make custom lip balms. Materials and instructions
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Homemade lip balm

Thanks to this kit make homemade lip balm a la carte is possible. And best of all: simple and economical! In the kit we offer you all the necessary materials so that you can make them in a comfortable and fast way. You just have to follow the instructions that go inside the kit and you will get incredible results.

This complete kit to make homemade lip balm is perfect to start in the world of artisanal cosmetics. Crafts are all the rage and if you can make your own skin care products much better. It will also become a good different and personalized gift! Craft lovers will love it.

Make homemade lip balm

These are the materials and ingredients to make homemade lip balm that you will find inside this Great Evening kit:

  • Petroleum jelly (250 gr)
  • Cherry balm essence (3 ml) (Aroma may vary according to availability)
  • Cherry red dye (3 g)
  • Embroidered coloring (3 g)
  • Pearlescent pink dye (3 g)
  • 10 ml (21 und) transparent jars
  • Stickers (24 und)

As you can see it includes three different pigments so you can make homemade lip balm in various shades. In addition, the essence is balm, special for this type of elaboration since it will be in contact with the lips.

How to make homemade lip balm

Discover how to make homemade lip balm step by step! Remember that you will find the complete recipe in the kit so you can take a look whenever you need it.

  • Melt the petroleum jelly over low heat in a saucepan.
  • Meanwhile, in a mortar, the dyes are crushed one by one to break the particles and thus obtain a more vivid and intense color.
  • Divide the petroleum jelly into three equal parts and add a few drops of balm essence and a coloring to each of them.
  • Stir each mixture well for a few minutes and pack.
  • Let dry, place the stickers on the lid and close the jars of the homemade lip balm.

It is a simple recipe and affordable to everyone, whether or not you have previous experience in the world of artisanal cosmetics. With this kit you can make about 21 jars of homemade lip balm.

Where to buy lip balm kit?

In you can buy homemade lip balm kit with the materials and instructions to make this preparation at home very simple. Dare to try!

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