Silicone Undulating Incense Holder Mold
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Incense Holder Mold

Create your own homemade incense holders with an undulating shape using this mold. Crafted from silicone, it's incredibly easy to use. This mold allows you to work with various materials such as cement, plaster, water-based resin, and more. You'll achieve a beautiful figure to effortlessly hold and ignite your incense sticks.

This mold is not only durable but also renowned for its non-stick and flexible attributes, which greatly facilitate demolding. To ensure their longevity, remember to clean and thoroughly dry the molds after each use. Store them in a moisture-free and dimly lit area, enabling you to utilize them whenever needed.

Mold for Crafting Incense Holders

The mold for crafting incense holders is an indispensable tool in the process. Additionally, you'll require:

Water-based resin / plaster / cement


You'll find all the materials for making incense holders on Gran Velada's online store. Moreover, you can infuse your creations with color by adding pigments for cement and plaster. Another possibility? Personalize the final outcome with micas + transparent varnish, highlighting your favorite details.

How to Make Incense Holders

Below, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to make incense holders. You'll be amazed by how simple it is!

Create a mixture using the appropriate proportions of water and water-based resin. Repeat the same process with the rest of the materials.

Fill the mold and gently tap it on the countertop to ensure the mixture reaches all the crevices.

Allow it to dry before demolding. Important: The figure must be completely dry to prevent breakage during demolding.

Where to Buy Molds for Incense Holders?

You can purchase molds for incense holders on Gran Velada's online store. You'll also find all the other necessary materials. We offer an extensive catalog of crafting products! Enjoy fast shipping.

Transform your moments of tranquility into unique aromatic experiences. Order the Incense Holder Mold now and transform your environment with fragrances and designs crafted by you. Click to start your journey towards aromatic harmony today!

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