Rose soap mold
MXN$149 IVA incluido
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  • Rose soap mold
  • Make soaps from roses

Mold of roses

Shaping your rose soap will be very simple with this Great Evening mold. It is a model that you will only find in our online store. It is a silicone mold, with rectangular shape and in the center is engraved "100% vegetable. Roses." This last word in capital letters.

This mold is also ideal for making solid cosmetics. With it you can shape:

  • Shampoos
    Bar creams

It is characterized by being non-stick and flexible, which greatly facilitates unmolding. To make them last a long time, they must be cleaned and dried well after each use, whatever the material with which they have been used.

Soap making mold

The mold to make soaps is one of the utensils that can not be missing in the preparation. You will also need:

  • Glycerin-based soap
    Aromatic essence
    Alcohol 96º
    Soap dyes

All the materials to make soaps you will find in the online store of Gran Velada. We put at your disposal a wide catalog of molds so you can make countless figures.

How to make soaps with this mold

Using this mold is very simple, in fact you just have to follow the steps that we detail below:

  1. 1. Chop the glycerin-based soap and melt it in the microwave without boiling.
    2. Add a few drops of aromatic essence and coloring to taste.
    3. Fill the mold and spray alcohol 96º so that there are no bubbles.
    4. When it has dried completely, unmold the soap.

Where to buy mold for soaps?

Enter and you can buy silicone molds for your DIY elaborations. Wide catalog of molds to make soaps, candles, crafts ... Fast shipping and different payment methods.

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